Benefits and Uses of Kithul Based Products

Benefits and Uses of Kithul Based Products

The Kithul or Jaggery palm is also known as fishtail palm (Caryota Urens) flourishes in Sri Lanka’s wet zone. In addition to being the source of kithul jaggery, kithul treacle, which are held in high regard among Sri Lankan food sweeteners, the jaggery palm is also known for kithul flour- an edible starch extracted from its pith, its strong timbre and mildly alcoholic toddy, or palm wine, made from the sap.

What are Jaggery Palm Products?

The jaggery palm or fishtail palm products include the following

What is Kithul Jaggery?

Kithul Jaggery is made of the sap collected from the flower of the fishtail palm or jaggery palm (Caryota urens). It's a solid sweet typically found in the shape of half a globe diagonally cut in the middle - thanks to the moulds fashioned out of coconut shells into which the jaggery palm flower sap boiled beyond the point of treacle is poured to cool off and solidify - with a melting sweetness.
It's a food sweetener, Ayurvedic medicine and a dessert by itself. It's recognised as a healthier substitute for refined sugar, which explains how it has come to be frequently associated with Ceylon tea and other herbal infusions such as Belimal (Aegle marmelos) and Ranawara (Senna auriculata).

What're the uses of kithul jaggery?

Kithul jaggery is a food sweetener – Kithul jaggery is used in the making of some types of ice cream and cake and served with tea and other herbal infusions as an accompaniment.

Kithul jaggery is a food and beverage ingredient - Kithul jaggery is used in jaggery toffee and jaggery cake and also in making alcoholic beverages such as palm wine.

Kithul jaggery is a medicine – Kithul jaggery possesses certain medicinal properties, so it's used to relieve constipation, detoxify the body, and improve digestion, etc especially in Ayurveda.

What are the Health Benefits of Kithul Jaggery?

Kithul jaggery is a rich source of minerals and other nutrients

Kithul jaggery is rich in essential minerals. As some studies have revealed, it has 60 times more minerals than white sugar. It is also the storehouse of many vitamins. We know minerals are vital to maintaining our good health. It is rich in iron, so regular consumption of kithul jaggery leads to increased haemoglobin levels and helps overcome anaemia.
Magnesium in kithul jaggery helps to regulate the nervous system. The high antioxidant properties of this natural sweetener helps protect body cells from damages caused by free radicals – it's free radicals that accelerate ageing. It is also rich in calcium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Kithul jaggery alleviate some respiratory ailments

Kithul jaggery helps to clear the respiratory tract by dissolving the mucus. Asthma patients and those suffering from other respiratory problems can take palm jaggery to treat it.

Kithul jaggery helps relieve constipation

The kithul jaggery is rich in dietary fibres. These fibres help to treat constipation and indigestion. It helps to cleanse the system by flushing out unwanted particles. It also improves bowel movement.

What is Kithul Treacle?

Kithul treacle also called kithul syrup is also made of the sap collected from the flower of the fishtail palm or jaggery palm (Caryota urens). It's a sweet and thick honey-coloured liquid.
Just like kithul jaggery, kithul treacle is also made out of the sap of the flower of jaggery palm. But, jaggery palm sap being boiled turns to treacle before it turns to jaggery. Kithul treacle is also a much-prized food sweetener and served as part of the traditional desserts.

What're the uses of the kithul treacle?

Kithul treacle is a food sweetener - Kithul treacle is also used as a sweetener in Sinhalese and Tamil New Year treats like kavum, aluwa, aasmi, walithalapa, Pongal, paniyaram, Sri Lankan pancakes, etc.

Kithul treacle is served as desserts - Along with curd, which is made of buffalo milk, kithul treacle is the regular accompaniment.

Kithul treacle can be used as a medicine - Kithul treacle possesses certain medicinal properties, so it's known to help prevent arthritis, improve complexion, alleviate constipation, aid weight loss, and combat blood sugar.

What're the health benefits of the Kithul treacle?

Kithul treacle alleviate many common ailments - Kithul treacle is known to help prevent arthritis, improve complexion, and combat blood sugar, etc.

Kithul treacle help relieve constipation - The kithul treacle is rich in dietary fibres. These fibres help to treat constipation and indigestion. It helps to cleanse the system by flushing out unwanted particles. It also improves bowel movement.

Kithul treacle boosts energy - Kithul treacle contains composite carbohydrates. You can digest it sooner than the white sugar. It releases energy if you consume it regularly. It means that you can stay fresh and active for hours after having kithul treacle.

Kithul treacle helps relieve migraine - The natural medicinal properties of the kithul treacle help reduce this pain. Just a single spoonful of kithul treacle is potent enough to give you relief from migraines.

Kithul treacle helps curb weight gain - This is a striking fact about the kithul treacle. A higher count of potassium in this raw sweetener lowers water retention and bloating. This way it curbs weight gain.

What's Kithul Flour?

Kithul flour is the starch extracted from the pith of the kithul palm (Caryota urens) trunk. Kithul flour is extracted from kithul trunks through a traditional process. Used as an ingredient in many food products, Kithul flour is believed to yield significant health benefits due to its high nutritional content.

How is kithul flour extracted?

To obtain flour, first, a kitul tree is cut down. The pieces of pith are cut out of the trunk. After that, the pith is cut into small pieces and pounded using mortar and pestle. The pounded pith is mixed with water and allowed to strain through a cloth tied to the mouth of the pot. After some time, the flour gets deposited on the bottom of the pot.

It is sun-dried to produce kithul flour. This is known as the wet method of kithul flour production. Some villagers in the rural areas also follow the dry method of kithul flour preparation where portions of pith are dried, pounded and sieved through the household strainer.

What're the uses and health benefits of kithul flour?

Kithul flour is a valuable food ingredient that is used in kithul flour porridge and kithul palm flour slices (kithul thalapa). Kithul flour is rich in fibre and a great appetizer for anyone. Kithul flour possesses the ability to make your body cool and is used to treat health problems like cracked feet, gastric ulcers, severe headaches, and even lowers high blood pressure.
