Kalutara City
Kalutara is a coastal city in western Sri Lanka, known for its serene beaches and historic sites. The iconic Kalutara Bodhiya, a sacred Buddhist stupa, and the Richmond Castle, a colonial mansion, are prominent attractions. The city blends cultural richness with natural beauty.
卡卢特勒是科伦坡以南的第一个海滩度假胜地。横跨卡卢甘加河的卡卢特勒长桥将带您前往建于 20 世纪 60 年代的巨大卡卢特勒佛塔,该佛塔位于葡萄牙人建造的堡垒遗址上,葡萄牙人将许多佛教寺庙夷为平地。所有驾车者都会在佛塔和寺庙停下来表示敬意。
从@@佛塔和寺庙向南步行几分钟就是公交车站。卡卢特勒火车站位于公交车站以西仅 100 米处。
这@@座 38 米长的卡卢塔拉大桥建在卡卢甘加河口,是该国西部和南部边境之间的主要连接点。这座桥的南端是三层高的卡卢特拉·维哈拉(Kalutara Vih ara),这是一座建于20世纪60年代的佛教寺庙,其独特之处在于它是世界上唯一一座空心佛塔。
西部省是斯里兰卡人口最稠密的省份。它是立法首都斯里·贾亚瓦德纳普拉的所在地,也是该国的行政和商业中心科伦坡的所在地。西部省分为三个主要地区,分别是科伦坡(642 平方公里)、甘帕哈(1,386.6 平方公里)和卡卢特拉(1,606 平方公里)区。作为斯里兰卡的经济中心,所有主要的本地和国际公司都在这座城市开展业务,所有主要的设计师和高街零售商也是如此,所以准备好在西部省份沉迷于一些零售疗法。
About Kalutara District
Kalutara is situated approximately 42km south of Colombo. Once a spice trading post, Kalutara was controlled variously by the Portuguese, Dutch and British. The town is famous for quality bamboo basket and mats and the most luscious mangosteens.
The 38-meter long Kalutara Bridge was built at the mouth of the Kalu Ganga River and serves as a major link between the country's Western and Southern border. At the southern end of the bridge lies the 3 stories-high Kalutara Vihara, a Buddhist temple built in the 1960s which holds the distinction of being the only stupa in the world that is hollow.
About Western Province
The Western Province is the most densely populated province of Sri Lanka. It is home to the legislative capital Sri Jayawardenapura as well to Colombo, the nation's administrative and business center. Western Province is divided into 3 main districts called Colombo (642 km²), Gampaha (1,386.6 km²) and Kalutara (1,606 km²) districts. As Sri Lanka's economic hub, all the major local and international corporations have their presence in the city and so do all the major designer and high street retailers, so be ready to indulge in some retail therapy in western province.
Having the highest population in the all the provinces, the almost all the premier educational institutions in the island are located in western province. Universities in the province include the University of Colombo, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, University of Kelaniya, Open University, Sri Lanka, Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka, General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University and University of Moratuwa .Western province has the largest amount of schools in the country, which includes National, Provincial, Private and International schools.