Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Kolam 口罩
Kolam是来自斯里兰卡南部海岸的另一种 “低地” 传统。尽管它包括仪式甚至恍然的元素,但它可以被归类为一种民间戏剧形式。一个松散的情节将几个库存角色和场景绑定在一起。实际剧本通常是根据佛教贾塔卡的故事改编的。
人们只能推测科拉姆的起源。传统本身为其诞生提供了传奇的解释。此外,有理论认为这种传统源于古老的怀孕仪式,而它的许多动物角色清楚地表明了它的根源在于万物有灵论的动物精神仪式。看来 kolam 融合了古老的信仰体系、佛教和后来的流行文化,反映了该岛历史各个阶段的社会结构。
kolam 表演在一个圆形的表演舞台上进行,三面环绕着观众。至少有两名鼓手提供伴奏。讲述者或仪式主持人指导演出并介绍角色。他有时还会说角色的台词或与他们进行对话。在早些时候,一场 kolam 演出持续了整整一晚,但现在则持续了两到三个小时。
Anabera kolama
This character is known as the panikkalaya or panikkirala.
Nonchi Akka Kolama
She is the wife of official drummer announcer.
Jasa Kolama
This character has become well known as Jeydi Vidane or Rada Kolama.
Arachchi Kolama
Comedy of village chief
Hewa Kolama
Comedy about a soldire
Lenchina kolama
The wife of Jasaya.
Mudali Kolama
High official comedy
Aththa Muththa Kolama
comedy of grandmother and grandfather
Kapiri Kolama
Negro comedy
Marakkala Kolama
Muslim comedy
Demala Kolama
Tamil comedy
Raja Kolama
Comedy of King and the Queen
Panchanarigathya Kolama
This mask is like the face of a beautiful woman. The upper portion resembles a crown.
Deva Giri Kolama
It is stated that this face resembles the full moon.
Ananga Bahirava Kolama
Bahirawa mask is the handsome face of a prince and on either side are faces of women.
Police Kolama
Police comedy