Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Traditional Masks
Sri Lanka has inherited and been influenced by these traditions of mask making and devil dancing mainly from the cities of Kerala and Malabar in India while Sri Lankan artisans have managed to incorporate more decorative techniques and colour in the masks that are manufactured today.
Sanni Masks
Sanni yakuma,有时被称为 Daha ata sanniya(Daha ata sanniya),是一种传统的僧伽罗驱魔仪式。该仪式由18支蒙面舞组成,每支舞蹈都描绘了影响人类的特定疾病或疾病。这 18 支舞蹈(Pahatharata)是 Pahatharata(低地乡村)舞蹈形式的主要舞蹈,这是斯里兰卡的三种主要舞蹈形式之一。仪式召唤被认为会影响病人的恶魔,然后他们被告知不要给人类带来麻烦并被驱逐出境。
人们认为疾病是由恶魔带给人类的,这些信仰和仪式可能起源于史前。根据民间传说,Sanni Yakuma中描绘的18个恶魔起源于佛陀时代。有传言说,瓦沙利利查维斯国王怀疑他的女王犯有通奸罪并杀死了她。但是,她在被处决时生了孩子,她的孩子变成了Kola Sanniya,她长大了 “以母亲的尸体为食”。科拉·桑尼恶魔摧毁了这座城市,寻求对他的父亲国王的报复。他制造了十八块毒药并将其迷住了,从而将它们变成了协助他摧毁城市的恶魔。他们杀死了国王,并继续在城市中造成严重破坏,每天 “杀死和吃掉数千人”,直到最终被佛陀驯服并同意停止伤害人类。
据信,这些恶魔中的每一个都会以疾病的形式影响人类,Sanni Yakuma 仪式会召唤这些恶魔并在控制它们之后将其驱逐回恶魔世界。尽管目前尚不清楚该仪式何时开始,但自古以来就一直在该国的南部和西部地区举行。
仪式的名称来自僧伽罗语 sanniya,意思是疾病或疾病,yakuma 表示恶魔仪式。在斯里兰卡文化中,驱魔仪式被称为 tovil。Sanni Yakuma 可能是该国最著名的驱魔仪式。它将关于精神的传统信仰与佛教融为一体。在进行治疗仪式之前,被称为 yakadura 的主角将决定患者是否受到恶魔的影响,并将仪式安排在吉祥的日子和时间,通常是从黄昏到黎明。Edura 或 Yakadura 是萨满的治疗师,通常是渔民、鼓手或农民。它有两个主要阶段,即 Ata Paliya 和 Daha Ata Sanniya。舞者身着五颜六色的服装和面具,演奏快速而复杂的舞步和旋转,伴随着有节奏的鼓声。鼓手和舞台上的恶魔之间发生了相当滑稽和有些淫秽的对话,恶魔在对话中受到了羞辱。
Deva Sanniya
Causes measles, mumps, small pox, typhoid fever and cholera.
Vatha Sanniya
Causes diseases caused by air in the body, also paralyses.
Ginijala Sanniya
Causes heat similar to fire in the body and burning sensation.
Pith Sanniya
Causes diseases of the bile.
Amukku Sanniya
Causes stomach pain vomiting.
Abhutha Sanniya
Becoming unconscious or fainting
Naga Sanniya
The vision of the demon causes poison like cobra poison in the body blister, swellings.
Murthu Sanniya
Causes absentmindedness: sweating, burning sensations and such like symptoms of illness.
Demala Sanniya
Causes talking nonsense, and mispronouncing Tamil words when speaking.
Kora Sanniya
Causes lame limbs, swollen joints.
Golu Sanniya
Causes temporary dumbness.
Butha Sanniya
Causes temporary madness.
Kana Sanniya
Causes temporary blindness.
Jala Sanniya
Causes unbearable cold and shivering.
Bihiri Sanniya
Causes temporary deafness.
Vedi Sanniya
Caused by disturbance of bile juice and phlegm.
Maru Sanniya
Healing and blessing in which 18 kinds of maladies, inflicted by devils.
Gulma Sanniya
Causes diarrhea, weakening of body, development of boils in the intestine