
Munneswaram Temple 建筑群由五座寺庙组成,包括一座佛教寺庙。献给湿婆的中央寺庙是最负盛名和最大的寺庙,在印度教徒中很受欢迎。其他神庙专门供奉甘尼萨、艾亚纳亚克和卡利。卡利神庙深受佛教徒和罗马天主教徒的欢迎。这座重要的佛教寺庙是斯里兰卡重要的印度教寺庙,斯里兰卡是一个以佛教为主的国家。它至少从公元1000年就存在了,尽管周围的传说说这座寺庙将其与罗摩衍那及其英雄之王拉玛联系起来。这座寺庙是献给湿婆的五座古老神庙之一。19世纪后,该建筑群中所有寺庙的大多数信徒都属于占多数的僧伽罗佛教民族;除Ayyanayake和佛教寺庙外,这些寺庙由泰米尔人管理。这座寺庙位于蒙内斯瓦拉姆,这是一个僧伽罗人和泰米尔人混居的村庄,位于该地区的普塔拉姆区。这座圣殿两次被葡萄牙人摧毁,后者将财产移交给了耶稣会士。尽管耶稣会士在圣殿基础上建造了一座天主教教堂,但当地的僧伽罗人和泰米尔人两次都重建了圣殿。由于18世纪末以后的宗教和人口变化,周围的大多数村庄和城镇与寺庙的管理和维护没有直接关系,但马拉丹库拉玛和乌达普等村庄与组织主庙节有关。




About Puttalam District

Puttalam is a town in Puttalam District,Sri Lanka. Situated at the apex of the Coconut triangle, Puttalam is the second largest Coconut producer of the country. And Tabbowa, a fertile land for agriculture records highest paddy production per acre.Puttalam is the main salt producer of the country. Holland fort at Kalpitiya, St. Anne's Church in Thalawila Munneshwaram Kovil in Chilaw and Mohideen Jumma Mosque (known as Grand Mosque) in Puttalam underline the historical importance of this region.

About Western Province

North Western Province is a province of Sri Lanka. The districts of Kurunegala and Puttalam formulate North Western or Wayamba. Its capital is Kurunegala, which has a population of 28,571. The province is known mainly for its numerous coconut plantations. Other main towns in this province are Chilaw (24,712) and Puttalam (45,661), which are both small fishing towns. The majority of the population of Wayamba province is of Sinhalese ethnicity. There is also a substantial Sri Lankan Moor minority around Puttalam and Sri Lankan Tamils in Udappu and Munneswaram. Fishing, prawn farming and rubber tree plantations are other prominent industries of the region. The province has an area of 7,888 km² and a population of 2,184,136 (2005 calculation).

Wayamba is the third largest paddy producing area in Sri Lanka .Wayamba has a highly developed agricultural economy, growing a variety of fruits and vegetables, flowering plants, spices, oil-seeds in addition to the traditional plantation crops such as Coconut, Rubber and Rice. Rich soils and varied climate give Wayamba a potential for growing of virtually any crop.

In Wayamba or North western province, home for ancient Buddhist rock temples, magnificent citadels Panduwasnuwara, Dambadeniya, Yapahuwa and Kurunegala. Impressive remains of those citadels, palaces, Buddhist temples and monasteries provide exciting sight seeing to the visitors.