Jaffna City
Jaffna is the main city of Jaffna peninsula in the northernmost district of Sri Lanka. Comfortable intercity busses from Colombo take 10-12 hours to reach the city of Jaffna.
贾夫纳是斯里兰卡北部省的首府。贾夫纳和基利诺奇地区85%的人口是印度教徒。印度教徒遵循赛维特的传统。其余的人主要是罗马天主教徒或新教徒,其中一些人是被称为 Burghers 的殖民定居者的后代。泰米尔人按种姓划分,农民种姓维拉拉尔占多数。海产品、红洋葱和烟草是贾夫纳的主要产品。
贾夫纳是美丽的印度教寺庙的所在地。一座古老的荷兰堡仍然保存完好,里面有一座古老的教堂。荷兰建筑的另一个例子是国王宫。如果不品尝以其甜味而闻名的精美贾夫纳芒果,对贾夫纳的访问是不完整的。大约 3 公里外是雄伟的纳卢尔·坎达斯瓦米神庙,这里是贾夫纳最大的宗教节日的举办地。凯茨港是贾夫纳地区的一个古老的船舶停靠点。
北部省位于斯里兰卡北部,距离印度仅 22 英里(35 公里)。该省西部被马纳尔湾和帕尔克湾,北部是帕尔克海峡,东部是孟加拉湾,南部是东部、中北部和西北部省份。该省有许多泻湖,最大的是贾夫纳泻湖、南蒂卡达尔、春迪库拉姆泻湖、瓦达马拉奇泻湖、乌普阿鲁泻湖、科基莱泻湖、奈阿鲁泻湖和查尔阿鲁泻湖艾泻湖。斯里兰卡周围的大部分岛屿都位于北部省的西部。最大的岛屿是:Kayts、Neduntivu、Karaitivu、Pungudutivu 和 Mandativu。
2007 年, 北方省的人口为 1,311,776 人。大多数人口是斯里兰卡泰米尔人,少数是斯里兰卡摩尔人和僧伽罗人。斯里兰卡泰米尔语是该省绝大多数人口使用的主要语言。另一种语言是僧伽罗语,有 1% 的人口说僧伽罗语。在城市中,英语被广泛使用和理解。
About Jaffna District
Jaffna is the capital city of the Northern Province, Sri Lanka. 85% of the populations of the Jaffna and Kilinochchi districts are Hindus. The Hindus follow the Saivite tradition. The remainders are largely Roman Catholics or Protestants, some of whom are descendants of colonial settlers, known as Burghers. The Tamils are divided along caste lines, with the farmer-caste Vellalar forming the majority. Sea products, red onion, and tobacco are the main products in Jaffna.
Jaffna is home to beautiful Hindu temples. An Old Dutch Fort still stands well preserved within which is an old Church. Another example of Dutch architecture is the King's House. No visit to Jaffna is complete without tasting the exquisite Jaffna mango, reputed for its sweetness. About 3 km away is the majestic Nallur Kandaswamy Temple, home to the largest religious festival in Jaffna. The Kayts Harbour is an ancient ship docking site in the Jaffna region.
About Northern Province
The Northern Province is one of the 9 provinces of Sri Lanka. The provinces have existed since the 19th century but they didn't have any legal status until 1987 when the 13th Amendment to the 1978 Constitution of Sri Lanka established provincial councils. Between 1988 and 2006 the province was temporarily merged with the Eastern Province to form the North-East Province. The capital of the province is Jaffna.
Northern Province is located in the north of Sri Lanka and is just 22 miles (35 km) from India. The province is surrounded by the Gulf of Mannar and Palk Bay to the west, Palk Strait to the north, the Bay of Bengal to the east and the Eastern, North Central and North Western provinces to the south.The province has a number of lagoons, the largest being Jaffna Lagoon, Nanthi Kadal, Chundikkulam Lagoon, Vadamarachchi Lagoon, Uppu Aru Lagoon, Kokkilai lagoon, Nai Aru Lagoon and Chalai Lagoon.Most of the islands around Sri Lanka are to be found to the west of the Northern Province. The largest islands are: Kayts, Neduntivu, Karaitivu, Pungudutivu and Mandativu.
The Northern Province's population was 1,311,776 in 2007. The majority of the populations are Sri Lankan Tamils, with a minority Sri Lankan Moor and Sinhalese population. Sri Lankan Tamil is the major language spoken in the province by the vast majority of the population. The other language spoken is Sinhala by 1 percent of the population. English is widely spoken and understood in the cities.