Ayurvedic and Herbal
In Sri Lanka Ayurveda medicine is based on the country’s centuries old treasure trove of indigenous knowledge base, natural environment and cultural repertory. According to archeological evidence, human civilisation dates back 30,000 years. Cave men of that age domesticated many wild plant varieties and used them for food and medicines.
Beam Sudarshana 悬浮液 (180 毫升)
Beam Sudarshana 悬浮液 (180 毫升)
(SKU: LS40006077) Sudarshana 悬浮液适用于病毒发热、咳嗽和感冒、喉咙痛、流鼻涕、痰、过敏性鼻炎、支气管炎、炎性关节炎、疼痛和过敏性皮肤病的对症治疗。它提供强效的抗氧化保护,具有肝脏保护作用。这是对抗病毒和细菌相关疾病的免疫增强剂
。成分:斯里兰卡蜂蜜和正宗的 53 种阿育吠陀草药。Kalmegh(Andrograpis paniculata)、长椒(Piper l ongum)、生姜(Zingiber officinale)、Pepper(Piper nigrum)、Arualu(Terminalia chebula)、Bedda nuts(Terminalia bellic a)、印度醋栗(Pyllanthu s emblica)、甘草(Glycyrhiza glabra)、
肉豆蔻(Myristica fragrans)、丁香(Syzygium aromatic um)、肉桂(Cinnamomum zeylanicum)、野茄子(Solanum xanthocarpum)、Caluma wood(Coscinium fenestratum)、姜黄(Curcuma domestic a)、Ashwagan dha(Withania somnifera)等治疗作用:具有显著的解热、急性和慢性抗炎、抗风湿、抗组胺、抗氧化和抗伤感(镇痛)特性。